Success Stories


I am Evingerlean D. B. Hudson, Ph.D., affectionately known as Dr. Eve, and I am a native of Charlotte, North Carolina. I am the oldest of three and was raised by a single mother in a low-socioeconomic household. Although a Black woman raised in adverse circumstances, I was able to beat the odds and became a first-generation college graduate who earned a Ph.D. at the age of 28.

One of the things that has kept me going over the years is the belief that I have a purpose in life. More specifically, it’s been a deep feeling that I am supposed to uplift those who are on a similar path. Hence, I’ve committed my life to inspiring, empowering, and uplifting first-generation college students and graduates.

I am the Founder and Chief Strategist of Evingerlean Worldwide, an entity created to help first-gens thrive through personal transformation and entrepreneurial development. As an international empowerment speaker, podcast host (The First-Gen Lounge), educator, author, I seek to touch many lives through my work.

If I had anything that I think is worth saying to my younger self it would be… “Everything you need to make it is within you. It’ll be challenging at times, but you are resilient and will be just fine. Trust yourself and know that you are always enough.”


My name is Sagal Farah and I am a recent English graduate from King’s College London. Growing up, I found it quite overwhelming having such a multifaceted identity whereby each part of me comes with so many stigmas- from racism, to sexism to Islamaphobia. However, after listening to a podcast whilst at sixth form, I learnt that although I may not be able to alter the way that other people view me, I owe it to myself to alter how I view myself. I realised that before anything else, I had to change my own outlook. Yes, being a Black, Female, Muslim does come with its challenges, but sometimes it can be easy to forget all of the beautiful aspects that come with it too. The podcast that I listened to made me realise that your differences are essentially what you bring to the table. You may not look like that white man in a suit; however, he doesn’t look like you either. He doesn’t act like you. He doesn’t think like you. All of your differences make you bring so many unique qualities to every space that you enter. Organisations ultimately need your outlook. When I realised that truly, this is a blessing, my whole view towards life changed. I tried to actively apply this notion to all aspects of my life. Being one of the only BAME students in your university classes can be a challenge. However, it’s important to remember that your voice is just as valid. The loudest person in the room isn’t necessarily the most intelligent, they just have the most confidence, and that’s what takes them far. Whilst at sixth form, I also began performing spoken word poetry which allowed me to continue my mission towards taking up space. We can’t just idly wait for those in positions of privilege to give us a voice and a platform. We must unapologetically carve out these spaces for ourselves and enter them, even when they don’t want to hear us.

“It was when I dared to take up space that I claimed my place”- Becca Lee.


I’m Faisa Dhaga-alen. I have recently graduated from LSBU with a degree in English. This was not always the path that I had envisioned for myself but it was a decision that I made on results day in 2017 but is something that has had a positive impact on my life and has facilitated my growth as a person. During university application period in A levels I did my personal statement on child nursing as this was what appealed to me at that time. However, once I gave it more thought and time, I realised that my passion was elsewhere and the career would not suit the flexible life I wanted for myself. The confusion I faced at that point was due to a lack of direction and not being surrounded by family members who had already gone through the process and would have therefore been able to ask me the right questions and motivate me to actually look at what I was most passionate about and what career would most suit me. Our sixth form was new at the time, and I remember that my career advisor didn’t push me to explore other avenues that perhaps suited me better. I think career advisors play a key role in helping young people and it is important that they ask important questions regarding your ambitions and how your next steps can impact your future. Unlike a lot students, I went through clearing to eventually end up studying an English degree after pondering over my options during summer.

Deciding what to study at university is one of the difficult decisions that we have to make as young people. During these times I have always relied on my optimism and my positive outlook on life. My hard work didn't always translate into high grades, and my dyslexia that was only discovered in my third year of uni was an added struggle that I had to come to terms with, but I have always stayed focused on what's still out there, what's still open for me to achieve. I encourage young people not to become solely focused on getting good grades as an indicator of their abilities and what they can achieve in the future, but to be well rounded individuals because at the end of the day everyone can achieve the same grades as you but no one will possess the extra skills, experiences and stories that you have that will make you stand out.

I don’t always have a solid plan but I always have a plan that is a “work in progress plan” and this is how I stay ahead in my own game.

“It was when I dared to take up space that I claimed my place”- Becca Lee.

Share your Success story with us!

Regardless of what stage in life you're in, you have something special to share with us! There is someone who is going through obstacles that you have overcome, and would love a role model to look up to. So, don't be shy or underestimate your worth- you've undoubtely got something valuable to share. All you have to do is email us your story and we will feature you on our success story board and social media. Plus, with us, you will find an extended family to celebrate your successes with!