Projects and Campaigns

What it's all about

Social Knowbility

We are striving to equip students that are traditionally underrepresented in Higher Education with practical skills to persist and succeed in their educational journey. We aim to do this successfully through the art of shared experience, mentorship, workshops, and annual conferences that not only facilitate space for students to navigate a preconditioned university experience, but also shape their university experience for themselves.

Success Story Campaign

No matter what stage you are currently in - whether you have confirmed an offer for your desired undergraduate degree, or recently graduated, secured your dream apprenticeship, you have the potential to inspire and motivate someone else who may be facing similar challenges or has experienced something similar. Share your story to inspire generations, create and impact and unlock someone else’s potential!

Mitigating Circumstances Campaign

We have recognised that the Mitigating Circumstance (otherwise known at exceptional circumstances) have not been accessible or equitable enough to represent the student diversity at universities. This must change!


Do you want to collaborate with us on a project?

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